Blink Murder

Saturday, January 31, 2009

IMPORTANT but delete this post

Guys, my name will be Yasmin.

Sorry if you hate it, I just had to think quick and yeah. Hope that helps.

Btw Bhav could you teach me how to get the video clips at the top of the page? it hard to explain on a blog post?


Sunday, January 25, 2009


Other Interesting Information
5 people said 7/10
5 people said 8/10
9 people said 9/10
1 person said 10/10

  • Improvements
    Suggestions for improvements were very consistent. The one reoccuring suggestion most people made, was to sort out the noise on the camera! Of course, we know, sadly there is nothing we can do about that

  • Favourite bits
    People loved the font for the credits and the foley sounds layered with the music. Many people commented that they thought the plot was original and interesting


We had our screening yesterday lunchtime and we had a really good turnout, which was great as this means more feedback to use in our evaluations. We gave a questionnaire to everyone who came and Bisma will soon put up our findings on the blog.

Our feedback seemed to be generally quite positive. Our audience was made up of 16 and 17 year olds of both genders, so we have received feedback from our target audience. More importantly we have got feedback from non-media students who will have looked at our sequence from a non-media perspective. They will not be focusing on continuity editing for instance, but will watch it as they usually would watch and enjoy a film.

- Bhavika


I'm pleased to say that our audience feedback session on Friday was a great success with a huge turnout! The end is nigh, with our evaluations nearly complete and our feedback piled up.

Guys, I'm just about to post a very thorough and informative sum-up of the feedback on Friday seeing as i have the questionnaires keep your eyes peeled and look forward to a very interesting post :P


Friday, January 23, 2009


I won't be able to make it; I'm too home with an evil, evil, evil cold. Good luck though, hope everything goes well and that we get lots of nice feedback. I've given my CD to a couple of friends to watch so that we can get feedback from them, but I need some copies of the questionnaire for them to answer...can someone email it to me, please?

All my love and sneezes,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Definitely Finished!

Right we are now definitely finished! It is official (I think!) The credits have been sorted and now appear throughout our sequence. Ms Blackborow was happy with them so it should all be fine.

The screening will be tomorrow during lunchtime, which I am very excited about! Hopefully we will get a good turnout and lots of feedback.

- Bhavika

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Screening Promotion..

We decided as a group today on Friday for definite as the day we hold our screening [we also finished adding in the new credits], so I thought it would be a good idea to start promoting it as soon as possible to give people enough notice, so we can get as many people as we can for some super-duper feedback :]

I set up a group on Facebook, the current favourite social networking website - I literally just did it and we already have a few members! Here's a link to the group [I'm not 100% sure it'll work so I may have to change the link later].
- posted by Mia

Monday, January 19, 2009


Once we add in our new credits tomorrow, we're officially (although we've said it before and been wrong..) finished on the production side of things! Then we just have to screen our opening, both in school and at home for other feedback, which'll help us with our evaluations. Wooh :)
I think Facebook advertising is a PLAN and a HALF, so we'll set up a group once we're all certain & decided on the date, which'll be some time this week.
- posted by Mia

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Not quite finished...

So we haven't actually completely finished yet - there's always something!!
We have to sort out some stuff with the credits because we didn't realise they weren't going all the way through the sequence - and they should be, thus [had to use that word!] making it look like the film has begun after the title - which, conventionally, it probably would, but we're all for breaking conventions [within reason of course]!
So on Monday we're going to use lunchtime to sort out some more credits - and also change the order of the ones at the beginning - but without the black title screen behind. Hopefully this will improve our opening even more, and then maybe we'll actually be finished!!
-posted by Mia

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


We have now finished all our editing! I have to say it’s been lots of fun and our group in particular has learnt a lot! I will just add/emphasize a few things to the list that Bisma made and Mia added to.

- We definately have learnt that it is SO important to keep filming after the action you want for each take as this makes continuity editing so much easier.
- The storyboard is REALLY important and really does save time when on the actual shoot as you know exactly what needs to be done.
- Lighting was a big issue. Perhaps could have been avoided if we had planned for it in advance. Or we could taken some shots in a variety of different light intensities on our first re-shoot so as to avoid another re-shoot.

Now it’s time for one last regretful goodbye to my amazing group. What good times! I will miss all our shoots and the much time spent editing!

-Bhavika xx


Firstly, 100% agreed with Bisma :)
Good reflections too - other things I'd say I think would be that in the future, we should always properly check our footage whilst still on the shoot - and STORYBOARD PROPERLY!! Then maybe so many reshoots can be avoided - we had 3 'final' shoots!! But it was all a good learning experience, and I'm actually quite sad we won't be having any fun editing sessions together any more!! What are we gonna do with our time??? Haha
But I just wanted to say, good work everyone :) We're finished!!!! I know we're not done yet with all this evaluation stuff etc., but it's been lovely working with you all and I'll miss it!
Love you all!
Mia xx

FINISHED - reflections

can u believe it guys? The practical is all over! The many, many, many shoots. The happiness, the tears, the revolting amount of outtakes! WOW...

Well done guys, I'm pleased that we managed to do EVERYTHING on our to do list, and all the final changes that Miss Blackborow suggested.
I think now it's high time we start thinking about question 2 of the evaluation, and tomorrow's lesson should get the ball rolling quite nicely! Also, i have compiled a list of things to reflect upon, irreversible mistakes and vital lessons, in our evaluation. Here it is!
-Sound! We needed diegetic sound on every shot, which didn't seem important when we were filming but turned out to be QUITE necessary!
-In a few places continuity was tricky (RE: stairs sequence) because we needed to have started filming a bit before the footage we needed.
-Keeping lighting consistant! We managed to deal with this pretty well by editing, but definitely something we faced a problem over!
-Sound! (again)...I know this wasn't our fault, but the whirring of the camera was quite difficult to edit down. Still quite nicely dealt with.
Overall a great success forty4 productions.

I'm so proud of us!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Monday, January 12, 2009

To Do List

As our deadline is drawing ever nearer I thought I would make a list of what needs to be done so that we don't forget anything! (Just in case)

  • Credits and title but these can only be done when we have been able to download the fonts
  • Music for the end of the sequence?
  • Also, I've just been editing and something seems to be wrong with track 2 which we added last week Friday so we need to sort that out.
  • We need to reduce the fuzzy noise in the sound of Mia's side of the dialogue.
  • This is not that important but I was thinking it might look better if we rearrange some of the shots of Mia getting ready. This won't take long and can be done later on. It isn't a major issue or anything.
  • Fade from title into black and then from black into the sequence of Bisma going upstairs...or something like that
  • After the re-shoot, we will obviously have to replace the two clips of the drawer and knife at the end with the one clip.
  • Come up with a production company name.

So we'd better get cracking!

- Bhavika xx

Sunday, January 11, 2009


Hey Mia and all

I won't be able to give us a lift to your house tomorrow after school and I most probably won't be able to take the lighting equipment into school on Tuesday. Really sorry. But we'll sort it out tomorrow with the whole group and hopefully find a way to do it.

Bhavika xx

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lighting Equipment

Hey guys, it might be a good idea to possibly find out if one of you can take the lighting stuff home on Monday because my mum won't be able to give me a lift on Tuesday. Also, she's not sure if she'll be able to pick us up on Monday (whoever is coming) because she has a meeting at work... so I'm not sure how that's gonna work yet... Just to let you know
Mia xx

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today we got some feedback from Ms Blackborow during our after-school editing session:

· The new close-ups in the getting ready sequence and the sequence of ‘suddens’ were good and the ‘suddens’ were really scary along with the music.
· We had a shot of Mia’s face after the title but told miss we were going to get rid of it. She thought an audience may think Bisma is the girl in all the previous shots getting ready if we remove this shot
Outcome: We will fade the title into black and then fade from black into the shot of Bisma switching the lamp off for the stairs sequence so that it is hopefully clearer to our audience this is someone else.
· Shots of Bisma going up the stairs had been moved and one was missing.

Outcome: We fixed this so that it is now fine.
· The two final shots: CU Mia opening drawer and CU pan of drawer looked odd.
Outcome: We now need to re-shoot this shot again! This time we are going to have Mia opening the drawer and taking out the knife all in one shot. The re-shoot will be on Monday and shouldn’t take long as this is the only shot we have to film.
· The lighting is much better in the dialogue section. I asked her if it looked odd because of the difference in lighting between Mia’s side of the conservation, which was well lit and Bisma’s side, which was not. She could see a difference that only after I had asked but thought we had done a good job with the brightness and contrast and lighting effects so that it was not too obvious.

The issue of lighting differences was worrying me quite a bit so I am happy that Miss did not pick up on it and think it looked odd. Yayyy!

- Bhavika

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Re-shoot Shooting List

We just had our re-shoot and here is a list of our shooting list:

  • CU foot (putting tights on)
  • CU putting on shoe
  • MS establishing shot
  • MS dialogue
  • MS turning round to open draw
  • MCU opening draw
  • CU pan of draw
  • MCU face in mirror
  • CU smiling face
  • CU evil face

Hopefully we got all the shots we need and they all turn out to be great!

- Bhavika xx

Monday, January 5, 2009

EVALUATION..please respond! =]

Hi everyone!
Okay, so i was thinking about our lesson today on EVAULUATING our final piece. So, i thought we could start a discussion. Lets begin with Question 1, which asks how we challenged, or conformed to conventions. So, I thought we could brainstorm some ideas and then publish a collective posts of all our gathered ideas. What do you guys think?

I think the most obvious convention, which we BRAVELY challenged, was the fact that we used a female antagonist. I think its pretty evident that with the majority of Slasher horror films, which we gain our inspiration from, its the 'surviving girl' who is the main female character. (For example, Scream.) It is almost always only the victims, which are young pretty girls.
However, i felt that we did not have any problems when portraying Mia as a murderer with our 2 minute time restriction. I think challenging this particular convention will work to our advantage, as it will make our product different and more uncomfortable for the audience.

So, what do you guys think? Maybe you should respond with your ideas, and maybe anything you want to add or change to what i have said.


ITS 2009...Happy New Year!!!

Hello again! Its 2009 and this post is to validate that this blog IS NOW UP AND RUNNING ONCE MORE..
