Blink Murder

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

FINISHED - reflections

can u believe it guys? The practical is all over! The many, many, many shoots. The happiness, the tears, the revolting amount of outtakes! WOW...

Well done guys, I'm pleased that we managed to do EVERYTHING on our to do list, and all the final changes that Miss Blackborow suggested.
I think now it's high time we start thinking about question 2 of the evaluation, and tomorrow's lesson should get the ball rolling quite nicely! Also, i have compiled a list of things to reflect upon, irreversible mistakes and vital lessons, in our evaluation. Here it is!
-Sound! We needed diegetic sound on every shot, which didn't seem important when we were filming but turned out to be QUITE necessary!
-In a few places continuity was tricky (RE: stairs sequence) because we needed to have started filming a bit before the footage we needed.
-Keeping lighting consistant! We managed to deal with this pretty well by editing, but definitely something we faced a problem over!
-Sound! (again)...I know this wasn't our fault, but the whirring of the camera was quite difficult to edit down. Still quite nicely dealt with.
Overall a great success forty4 productions.

I'm so proud of us!