Blink Murder

Friday, January 9, 2009


Today we got some feedback from Ms Blackborow during our after-school editing session:

· The new close-ups in the getting ready sequence and the sequence of ‘suddens’ were good and the ‘suddens’ were really scary along with the music.
· We had a shot of Mia’s face after the title but told miss we were going to get rid of it. She thought an audience may think Bisma is the girl in all the previous shots getting ready if we remove this shot
Outcome: We will fade the title into black and then fade from black into the shot of Bisma switching the lamp off for the stairs sequence so that it is hopefully clearer to our audience this is someone else.
· Shots of Bisma going up the stairs had been moved and one was missing.

Outcome: We fixed this so that it is now fine.
· The two final shots: CU Mia opening drawer and CU pan of drawer looked odd.
Outcome: We now need to re-shoot this shot again! This time we are going to have Mia opening the drawer and taking out the knife all in one shot. The re-shoot will be on Monday and shouldn’t take long as this is the only shot we have to film.
· The lighting is much better in the dialogue section. I asked her if it looked odd because of the difference in lighting between Mia’s side of the conservation, which was well lit and Bisma’s side, which was not. She could see a difference that only after I had asked but thought we had done a good job with the brightness and contrast and lighting effects so that it was not too obvious.

The issue of lighting differences was worrying me quite a bit so I am happy that Miss did not pick up on it and think it looked odd. Yayyy!

- Bhavika



Lol - '· Shots of Bisma going up the stairs had been moved and one was missing.'
Mia xx