Blink Murder

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Group Meeting Notes

Bhavika's idea changes:
-change the first pan from the widn chimes to CUs & ECUs of the killer getting ready
-in between pans (slower) of everything on teh dressing table, pictures of models etc. - this would make it clearer to the audience that they're supposed to take note of it
This prompted Mary to suggest that we alternate short & long shots (timewise, not distance), to keep the audience on their toes and build more suspense. Wooh! We're referring to short shots as 'suddens'. :D It is now an official media technical term.
When we have the housemate coming in it's gonna be normal distances and slower - everything's normal that side of the door, but on the inside it reflects her state of mind.

The Se7en opening titles inspired us to have sort of 'flashy', jittery titles - white text on a black background, not sure on the font yet, Mary suggested one but it's a bit too flurly - and sort of.. flashing.. shots. There was a suggestion of the suddens quickly turning negative before the title screens appear, but we're going to try it all out and see.
We're shooting this Friday and Saturday at Mia's house again ( - can everyone remember to bring their respective equipment/props and food as well as these things for Saturday! Cheers x)

-posted by the group