Blink Murder

Monday, November 24, 2008

Music AND Test Shoot

Hey guys!

I really think The Tender Trap could work. I listened to all the ones suggested and like them all but think this one would work best. So unless we find anything else, a definite yes to this one from me!

Test Shoot – What Did We Learn??
Although it was loads of fun J we have all realized there is a load of stuff we have to take into consideration/prepare for when we do the actual shoot. I know Mary has already covered some of this, I just thought I’d add my thoughts too and kinda summarize it.

Firstly, next time we need to check the weather forecasts and prepare for the shoot according to this. We also need to think about the lighting and need to bring extra sources. Linking to that, we need to decide an appropriate time to film (when it is dark enough) and also when there will be less people and cars around so that we don’t have to keep stop filming. That is if we actually use this location. I liked the car park as our location but if someone finds something better I’m all for it.

To sum up, it was all in all a very interesting and fun test shoot. And Finally, I think we all need to make sure we have set our alarms for the right time the night before and haven’t gone to sleep ridiculously late so that we only get like an hour of sleep!! (not naming names you know who you are)

Bhavika xx



Yay for music :D
It's on the Cold Feet soundtrack with James Nesbit singing it though, but I'm hoping that doesn't mean it's gonna be copyrighted... (if it does we can just pretend it doesn't and delete this comment :P hahaa)
lol 'it was loads of fun J'?
yeah I feel the need to comment because I didn't post about the test shoot but I think we've had enough of it for now... so yeahhh... Mia xxx


oh yeahh and also umm we could try out using an alley if we have time at some point? we have to take weather into consideration more with that though. we shall seeee!!
also, Mia has to bring in a camera AND a tripod tomorrow, so please please don't blame her if she gets mugged or something.... xxx