Blink Murder

Thursday, November 27, 2008


This treatment is designed to check the practicality of our idea and whether it needs re-thinking or changing. Here goes...
1.) Is it practical?

Yes. Set indoors meaning we have easy access to equipment and fewer problems with lighting, sound or weather.
2.) Is it an idea that will work to the strengths of the group?
Most definitely. As a group we all love horror and know quite a lot of horror conventions. We only require female actors for the opening, meaning we can use good quality acting directly from the group!
3.) Will it show off the skills you have learnt so far on the course?

Yes. We plan to use a variety of shot types including; shot-reverse-shots, crane-shots, montages and pans. Also, we plan to adhere to most opening sequence and horror conventions, and think carefully about when we can challenge them.
4.) Is it something you can reasonably shoot and edit in the given time?
Yes. We have thought about how much of the plot we want to reveal, and how much action to include. We think that we can get an excellent two-minute sequence, edited to perfection within the time that we have.
5.)Can you get permission to shoot in the chosen location at the chosen times?

Yes. Mia very helpfully let us use her house. This means we have permission to use it whenever we need it.
6.) Can you organise lighting to use in that location?
Yes. It should already be well lit as it is a house. We also have access to pag lights and a studio lighting kit from the school's equipment store.

7.) Have you included dialougue? If so, will it work to shoot a conversation in that loaction?

Yes and yes. We are shooting in a quiet, closed environment and therefore, won't suffer any technical, sound-related problems.
8.)Do you have guaranteed high quality, reliable actors to play the characters?
Yes. Using actors from within the group definitely gives us the upper hand! In any emergency situations, the actors will always be present.
